Saturday, January 26, 2008

Michelle Obama Attacks Hillary

One thing I've found interesting in the narrative the media promulgated on who got dirty and personal first in the Democratic Primary is how the Clinton's have come out looking like the heavy. I remember seeing Michelle Obama on television talking to supporters on the south side of Chicago. The reason her speech here stood out in my mind is because of something totally ridiculous and classless that came out of her mouth.

In her speech she said one of the important things about the '08 election was being a role model for families and in the next breath she says that if Hillary can't run her house she can't run the White House. This video clip was uploaded back in August of 2007, do you remember hearing about this like you've heard of Bill supposedly attacking or getting personal with Barack?

Michelle keeping it classy.

I love that Michelle Obama clearly thinks that because a woman has been cheated on that somehow is a sign of something being wrong with her. Because Bill cheated on Hillary that disqualifies her from important jobs. This quick look into the psyche of Michelle Obama is very telling for a couple of reasons.

  • Like an intellectually bankrupt Republican hack she has to bring up Bill's cheating.
  • To Michelle Obama a woman's worth is dependent on her husband not cheating.

As a man can't understand her ridiculous leap in logic and can only think that her comment and belief stems from some serious issues of self-loathing and antiquated ideas of a woman's place that even a college degree didn't rid her of. Since she thinks the sins of Bill Clinton reflect on Hillary Clinton maybe Michelle Obama thinks that the sins of a father should reflect on a son too and keep him from reaching the White House.

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